“You don't put yourself online only because you have something to say - you can put yourself online to find something to say.”

- Austin Kleon

Finding something to say is exactly why I’m here. Better yet, finding a place to say what I want to say is why I’m here.

I’ve spent the majority of my adult life wrestling with the idea that I don't have anything to say because I have nothing new to say. I’m a perfectionist. As such, I’ve placed the expectation on myself to have new perfect ideas.

After years of trial and error. Years of feeling inadequate. Years of doing things because it’s what everyone else was doing. Years of creating to fit the mold…

I’ve finally found the answer (or so I think).

It’s not about creating something new. It’s not about internet clout. It’s not about reinventing the wheel.

It’s simply about existing. Occupying a space in the world with your voice. Filling it with your life, your thoughts, your passions.

So maybe the answer has been there the whole time, I’ve just been too busy trying to say something brand spanking new.

My thoughts don’t come from a void. They’re influenced by the influences around me. So while my thoughts may not be original, they are my thoughts - in my voice.

It is my hope that visiting my space helps you feel empowered. Empowered to engage, question, grow, educate, and just exist.

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